Basically nature cure understands that all the disturbances occurred in the body, physical or mental are caused due to the storage of morbidity in the body. All the living organisms in the world have the ability to heal itself. Accumulation of excess toxins makes the process slow and the systems get tired for more work out. We fall ill when we go against the rules of nature.
Main aim of nature cure treatment is to improve the vitality of the body which helps in the elimination of accumulated toxins from the body.
Nature cure treatments and diet management helps to improve the vital force of the body and eliminate the toxins to bring it to rejuvenation. It is the method of treatment which aims at removing the basic cause of disease by using the five elements freely available in nature. The restoration and healing is brought by the inherent curative powers of the body. The complete healing comes from within.
Nature cure invigorates and stimulate the body's homeostatic mechanism. Proper utilization of panchmahabhutas, regulated diet, exercise, scientific relaxation, constructive and positive thinking, prayer, meditation plays important role to enjoy perfect health.